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Tuesday 26 November 2013

Show me a Reflection,O Mirror.....

Yesterday (25.11.13) was my micro teaching session, the first I'd done since August of this year. I volunteered to go first as I wanted to play some 'easy listening' music as the Student's entered the classroom. This seemed to work.
Although it was a mere 20 minute session, I had done between 8 and 10 hours lesson prep. Some may think that 'excessive', but it was very important to me that everything ran smoothly ( which it did, as I kept within the time allotted), and without rehearsal ( no time for that, ironically enough).
On reflection of this session, I am very glad that it was a success, and that I've completed the task. The unfortunate issues, however, would be that no-one took time to look at the 3 posters I had placed on the tables, with information about each fracture. If anyone had, it could have generated a discussion prior to the teaching-  so that prep was in to no avail whatsoever.
Also, the cursed 'PowerPoint' was mentioned, which will be a long running discussion for some time yet. The idea  of the micro session, and indeed all my future teaching practice, is to feel comfortable within my own parameters, and to self gauge how much content to use/research/resource accordingly for each session. It's also about using the teaching aids one feels comfortable with for that one session.  I also thought the humour used in the session didn't get the reception I'd anticipated ( v. tough audience on further reflection), which reminded me of the audience's from my acting days.
However, it's all done now. 'Satisfied am I' as Yoda once said.

Friday 22 November 2013

How technology has changed the way we learn

In the 21st century, technology has changed the ways in which we communicate and go about 'everyday life' beyond recognition. Very few educators would disagree with the notion that technology has dramatically changed the teaching and learning process.
In this final 'homework' blog (hurrah!), I will discuss the 3 of the 12 points identified by Dr Katherine McKnight, Phd on how this has occurred and its relevance.

i) Communication Evolution - Because the majority of people in the world rely on text speak, it is becoming more apparent that our students have learned a dialect/language we don't always understand. They now communicate in many different modifications, due to technology. Maybe its 2M2H (Too much to Handle).

ii) Extended Classroom Communities (ECC)  - Technology facilitates our ability to extend this, by using such web based platforms as Edmodo. With this internet application, both Teachers and their Learners can discuss homework, post assignments and interact with their Peers as they work on the relevant project.

iii) 'Bye Bye' to 3 ring Binders  - Gone are the days where learners would struggle to carry all their work around in numerous binders. Nowadays, a computer, tablet or even mobile phone can keep all these 'files' and 'handouts' in neat folders. Teachers can also use a Web 2.0 tool,, that allows uses to create an online binder.

On reflection, I found this website very useful and informative. It is written and updated by a Teacher, with many years of experience. The site is easy to follow, and has many other links which could be useful for the student Teacher.

Dr Katherine McKnight, Phd  is an Author, Educator and Consultant who began her career over 20 years ago in Chicago, US.
Further reference can be found on 

Monday 18 November 2013

PowerPoint Ponderings

This is an example of my very first 'PowerPoint' presentation, which is from the session we did today. The slide shown is one of 4 that we had to develop around the theme of 'Me'. The slide tells of my Family history, and the different generations which have formed and defined it to this present day.
This session was interesting as it was another new learning curve for me, as with all the new things we have been taught on the ICT modules. I think that PowerPoint is a technology tool which you can either 'grasp' easily or not. I fall into the latter group, having never used it before. Some of  my Peers used it tonight with their Micro teaching sessions, and it looked very easy to use. This was impressive to an observer like myself.
However, for the moment I still liken it to swimming through treacle..... 

Sunday 17 November 2013

Barriers to the effective use of technology in Education.

In order to remove any barriers for the effective use of technology in education to progress, we must  identify them. This is the first step needed if progress is to be made within the ICT environment.
Dawes (2000) highlighted 5 important factors, after a study conducted within schools in the Midlands. For the purpose of this Blog I have chosen two factors to discuss.
These are :
1) A sense of purpose for ICT use, and 2), Realistic time management.

As Teachers, we can sometimes find ourselves in a 'catch 22' situation by considering the following points : a) How can we decide which new technology to use if we have no experience of what it can do ? and b) If we do not know how to use it ?.

I would suggest that in order for us as Teachers to 'keep up to date' with the ever rapidly changing face of technology, we need to ask ourselves if we can answer the two questions aforementioned. The only way to achieve this successfully is to recognise the vital part that Technology plays within the classroom, and within Education itself. Furthermore, as Teachers we have a professional responsibility to update ourselves regularly, so that we can in turn update our learners.

Furthermore, and with regard to realistic time management, I acknowledge that computers and new technology save an inordinate amount of time within our daily lives. However, this does not detract from the issue that they do not decrease the amount of time the operator spends on performing the related tasks ( this is from personal experience). I would suggest that there are important implications  for realistic time management, given that the majority of planning for lessons is done at home.

Whilst the use of home computers can be used to 'streamline' the work load, a possible disadvantage may be that it can add to the time spent undertaking teacher related tasks. This is turn can detract from the time needed to spend on family orientated tasks/ activities.

'What we do alters who we are'
(Zimbardo and Lieppe, 1991).

References :
Dawes, L. (2000a) 'The National Grid for learning and the professional development of teachers : outcomes of an opportunity for change', De Montfort University : Unpublished PhD Thesis.
Zimbardo, P and Lieppe,M (1991) The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence, New York ; McGraw-Hill Inc.
Leask,Marilyn (2001) Issues in Teaching using ICT (Ed).
Routledge Falmer London.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Inspirational Blog 2

This exceptionally inspirational video is by Ric Elias, the CEO of Red Ventures, a marketing services company in the US. In January 2009, Elias was sitting in seat 1D of flight 1549. This was the plane that crash landed into the Hudson River in New York.
After his ordeal, Elias learnt 3 things about himself that were moments of self realisation. These were :
i) All things in life can change in an instant - nothing matters, so never postpone anything.
ii) Never waste time on things that do not matter, adopt an attitude of no more negative energy.
iii) His only goal in life is to be a good Dad.

Having undergone a life threatening incident myself (see blog 14.11), I can relate to all of the three points made by Elias. I would argue that no individual can predetermine what is going to happen at any given time, and therefore it is perhaps better to adopt the missive previously stated. Furthermore, negative energy could be seen as a potential learning barrier. The only way to conquer this is to have self confidence and to use this to its maximum potential. This can be achieved by encouragement from family, friends and peers.
Finally, and from a more personal perspective, I firmly believe that if you have achieved a lifelong goal, then everything else will follow in due course. I am a full time Dad (2 Daughters) and so my lifelong goal is accomplished. My new lifelong goal is to become a good Teacher. I know this can be achieved by adopting the 'rules' spoken of with such heartfelt meaning by Ric Elias.

Thursday 14 November 2013

The value of Mobile Technology in Teaching and Learning.

'Using Mobile Phones to Improve Educational Outcomes : An Analysis of Evidence for Asia'.
By John Harmen Valk, Ahmed T.Rashid and Laurent Elder (Pan Asia Networking, IDRC,Canada).
Published March 2010.

This academic research looks at the very relevant significant changes that remain within the many developing countries in the World, with particular focus on rural and remote areas,and the importance of delivering quality education to those in need.
Although much hope has been placed on the new ICT's available, especially with mobile phones being a prime and highly relevant example, there is still over a third of the world's adult population who have no access to new skills and technologies which are necessary to improve the quality of their lives (Dhanarjan,2009,p46).
The research goes on to argue that mlearning (mobile learning) can also increase access to those situations where cost is seen and can be seen as a significant barrier to learnng (Visser and West,2005).

In conclusion,the analysis of the project (discussed at length) indicates that while there is important evidence that suggests mobile phones impart educational outcomes by facilitating increased access, much less evidence exists as to how mobile impact educational outcomes are achieved by promoting new learning.

The full analytical report can be seen at

References :
Dhanarjan, T (2009). Education for all in the digital age.
In S.Akhtar and P.Amito (Eds), Digital review of Asia Pacific 2009 - 2010.

Visser,L and West,P (2005). The promise of m.learning for distance education in South Africa and other Developing Countries.
In Y.L.Visser , L.Visser, M.Simonson and R.Amirault (Eds), Trends and Issues in Distance Education : International Perspectives (pp117-129).
Greenwich, CT : Information Age Publishing.

Tuesday 12 November 2013


Well I've spent 2 hrs almost trying to access the ICT homework, but to no avail ! My laptop is playing silly games with me as well!
Perhaps with my lack of knowledge with all this technology it's a sign to give up! I don't think I'm as academic as I thought initially.
It's so frustrating. This may be my last blog for a while.

Monday 11 November 2013

Inspirational Video

I chose this video clip from Youtube as it is something I've often wondered if I could achieve, if I ever had enough spare time. This is a short enough clip, and manages to give the viewer enough insight into how to play a complex instrument like this. It also gives the viewer a useful insight into the history of the Xylophone, such as it's origins, the different types available, and how to begin to discover the instrument at a basic enough level. The clip  also gives further links to other related websites, which again I think it very useful.
I hope it inspires someone enough.

Thoughts of a Blogger

Way back in May 1994, I was driving home from work after doing Nights. As I drove along the M1 back home, as I did every morning, my car suddenly stopped without warning. I tried desperately to start the engine, but to no avail. The next thing I remember is an almighty bang and me 'coming to' on the embankment, looking at a very squashed car. I regained consciousness again in the local A/E dept some time later. It transpired that my car was first hit by a 55 tonne lorry, which spun me round into the path of an oncoming car. I had all 3 emergency services present (having been cut free by the Fire Brigade) and caused a 10 mile tail back on a Monday morning. I lived to tell the tale, with a 4inch gash to my head ( I still have the scar) and this took 18 stitches to repair. I also had 6 broken ribs.
It takes an incident like that to make you realise how lucky you are to be alive, no matter how bad a day you've had. It also sort of links in with my micro teaching session, the one where I'm already having Insomnia. If anyone wants to search any words, I highly recommend

Monday 4 November 2013

Monday with Our Mandy....

Well here we are again, altogether back in the safety of Uni, after a week orf. Today's session was concerned with mobile technology ( nothing to do with babies and cots), so we were let loose on Ipads. This was a very interesting session, as I was learning new skills to add to my repertoire.
The best part was making the video ( a clean one) with ma homies - Paul, Oliver and oor Dave. This was hilarious to make, as it was all improvised.....
Nice to be back....