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Monday 11 November 2013

Thoughts of a Blogger

Way back in May 1994, I was driving home from work after doing Nights. As I drove along the M1 back home, as I did every morning, my car suddenly stopped without warning. I tried desperately to start the engine, but to no avail. The next thing I remember is an almighty bang and me 'coming to' on the embankment, looking at a very squashed car. I regained consciousness again in the local A/E dept some time later. It transpired that my car was first hit by a 55 tonne lorry, which spun me round into the path of an oncoming car. I had all 3 emergency services present (having been cut free by the Fire Brigade) and caused a 10 mile tail back on a Monday morning. I lived to tell the tale, with a 4inch gash to my head ( I still have the scar) and this took 18 stitches to repair. I also had 6 broken ribs.
It takes an incident like that to make you realise how lucky you are to be alive, no matter how bad a day you've had. It also sort of links in with my micro teaching session, the one where I'm already having Insomnia. If anyone wants to search any words, I highly recommend


  1. Wow, you are lucky to be alive! What a traumatic event but I agree with your conclusions from it.
    No matter how down we feel, it could always be worse.

    I fell flat on tarmac from 5 feet height after skydiving instead of landing on grass. Even when I was being airlifted to hospital I was still laughing which I guess means that I am not normal :) .

    I propose we all share some of our shocking moments when we meet next, it will be inspirational to say the least.

    Thank you for sharing your story with us!

    1. Hello soon to be Birthday Girl,
      Thankyou for your comments. It was indeed a traumatgic experience, and I suffered with PTSD for some time afterwards. Even now when I see a lorry on the motorway it gives me the shudders. And, it just goes to prove that the man with the Scythe and watch isn't ready for me yet....

  2. Oh my gosh Mark. You have more than lived to tell the tale and I've no doubt you are stronger for it. I agree that you've drawn a positive conclusion from a horrible experience. Truly realise now I have nothing to complain about!

    1. Hi Rachel,
      Hope all is well. Thankyou for your comments. There's not many who can say they had all 3 emergency services attending to them in 1 day !!
